
We’ve recently moved to the Podbean platform so that episodes can be downloaded. More episodes will be added over the weeks.

Episode #6: Cambridge Union Debate: Follow-up


Podcast recorded with our supporters at Yes Matters and FiLiA https://filia.org.uk/podcasts/2020/5/14/filia-meets-jo-bartosch-click-off

Episode #5: Whose Duty is It Anyway? Critical Thinking, Pornography and Parental Responsibility

Within a wider discussion about the role of parents, schools and legislators, Jo and her interviewee Bernadette discuss who is responsible for protecting children from pornography. Bernadette outlines her fears and shares her observations about how young children absorb stereotypes. She explains how she hopes to teach her children critical thinking skills to protect them from the harms of pornography.

Episode #4: Bringing-up kids in porn culture

Episode #3: Learning to Say ‘No’ - Resisting Porn Culture

Mo Vickers and I chat about how her sex life was warped by the demands of porn-watching men. She talks about unlearning what pornography had taught her and the new-found freedom of demanding sex on her terms.

Episode #2: Sexuality and Grooming in Porn Culture

Ginger Tea and I have a chat about pornography grooms girls and young women into thinking sexuality is about pleasing men at the expense of women’s pleasure.

Episode #1: Addiction, Cam-Girls & Resistance to Pornography

Where my interviewee Ginger Tea shares her experiences of addiction, pornography and what’s changed in the twelve years between us. We also have a laugh about being wankers!